
Enchanté, and welcome to my blog dedicated to the books I love.

If you are looking for a place to get some inspiration, this is it. I hope to inspire you to turn a new page, to step out of your comfort zone or to start reading all together.

I am a true admirer of the written word and I own a huge variety of books: fiction and non-fiction, books about history, philosophy or fantasy. Books about other cultures, Africa, Latin America and the Middle East. Study related books, about cultural anthropology, children’s rights, violence and conflict. Books in English and in Dutch, scientific books, children’s novels, chicklit, and the more serious stuff.

In sum, I have a house full of books, but not enough place to store them. This does not stop me from continuing to buy books, in the bookstore, through internet, on fleamarkets...

In my livingroom I share a threefold bookcase with my roommate. The shelves are filled with my most inspiring books, my study books and some of the books I urgently need to read. My other books lay either covered with dust in my bedroom or are neatly put away in my parent’s house.

I just graduated from a Masters at the University of Amsterdam which means I have a bit more time again to focus on what I like: books and blogs!

On this blog I will talk about all the books I read and have read, especially my favourite ones, I discuss some topics they cover and questions they might raise. I would like for this blog to have a cozy atmosphere, you may want to poor yourself a cup of tea before visiting here. Please feel free to comment and follow my blog. I might surprise some readers now and then with a copy of my favourite books!

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